

Baptism is the rite of entry into the Church; not just the parish church, The Church of Ireland, but the entirety of Christ's Church on Earth. It is the one rite that almost all Churches recognise the validity of so that one could, for instance, be baptised by the Church of Ireland and that baptism would be recognised as valid by the Roman Catholic Church.

The qualification for baptism is merely that a person old enough to maturely understand and be instructed in the faith may seek it for themselves or that a younger or less mature person may be presented by a parent or parents or by a guardian or guardians on the understanding that the parent(s) or guardian(s) themselves must be able to declare their Christian Faith on behalf of the child and promise that the child is brought up in the Christian Faith.

It matters not if the parent or parents are married, baptism is performed for the benefit of the recipient and whilst we would hope that the families of the people being baptised would join us in regular worship, it a hope, not a demand as some churches may make it. 

From age 0 to 100+ years, baptism is available.  Please contact the Rector to explore your options.