December and January Services


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Our Services during December and January will be as follows.  We would love to welcome you to join us at any of them.

HC = Holy Communion; MP = Morning Prayer; CBN = Service of the Community of Brendan the Navigator


Sun 1st Dec  Templederry 9.30 am HC

                      Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Wed 4th Dec Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Sun 8th Dec  Nenagh 11.00 am MP

                        Killodiernan 12.15 pm MP

Mon 9th Dec Killodiernan 11.00 am. CBN

Sat 14th Dec  Templederry 7.00 pm HC with Bishop Michael

Sun 15th Dec  Nenagh 6.30 pm Community Carol Service

Wed 18th Dec  Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Sun 22nd Dec  Nenagh 11.00 am HC

                          Killodiernan 12.15 pm HC

Tue 24th Dec  Templederry 7.00 pm HC

                         Nenagh 11.00 pm HC

Wed 25th Dec  Nenagh 10.00 am HC

                          Killodiernan 11.30 pm HC

Sun 29 Dec  Nenagh 11.00 am MP Union Service


Sun 5th Jan  Templederry 9.30 am HC

                      Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Wed 8th Jan  Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Sun 12th Jan  Templederry 11.00 am Plough Sunday. 

                       N.B. This is the only service in the Union on this Sunday.

Mon 13th Jan  Killodiernan 11.00am CBN

Wed 15th Jan  Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Sat 18th Jan  Templederry 7.00 pm Family Service

Sun 19th Jan  Nenagh 11.00 am Family Service

Wed 22nd Jan  Nenagh 11.00 am HC

Sun 26th Jan  Nenagh 11.00 am HC

                        Killodiernan 12.15 pm HC